Vice President of Impact: Unlikely Collaborators

This is a retained search byStanton Chase. 

This job is located in Santa Monica. 




Unlikely Collaborators exists to encourage individuals to bringtogether their whole selves— the parts they know and love with theparts that are buried or that they struggle to understand orsee—and to embrace this wholeness and the contrasts within it thatmake us human. By continually highlighting our common humanexperience, we work to reduce the perceived divides betweenpeople.


We believe this work is best done in community.


We create tools and experiences — including workshops, ongoingcommunity sessions, and storytelling events — that guide people toinvestigate their own stories. Through our Perception Boxframework, we help you understand this ever-present mental model —constructed from the stories and lies around us — and untanglethese stories and find joy and happiness in our lives.


To find what self-defeating thought patterns and unconsciousblocks may lie within and to expand those narratives in ways thatallow them to thrive, to nurture supportive relationships, andultimately build a more compassionate, radiant world.


At Unlikely Collaborators we foster a supportive community ofengagement and sharing — where vulnerability is a strength andwhere courage is defined by how open one’s heart is.


We invest in leaders around the world whose hearts ache not onlyto expand PerceptionBoxes (in their own wildly, whip-smart ways), but whounceasingly, unpretentiously seek to expand their own.


While most of our investments have been at the early stages(seed and Series A) across areas like mental health and wellness,neurotechnology and psychedelic medicine, we are open to all mannerof unpredictable collaborations.


Unlikely Collaborators is based in Los Angeles, CA.


JobTitle:                                 Vice President of Impact

Location:                                 Los Angeles, CA

ReportsTo:                             President

Position Summary:

As a key member of the organization, the Vice President ofImpact will work closely with the President and Executive Team tobuild and lead Unlikely Collaborators’ grant and partnershipstrategies to help the organization achieve its mission to helppeople embrace the transformational impact of powerful acceptancein themselves and others.

This position will be responsible for increasing organizationalcapacity to deliver on this ambitious goal by supportingcutting-edge research and engagement efforts through buildingcollaborative partnerships, identifying strategic grantmakingopportunities, and driving the organization’s outreach andengagement efforts.


Overall Responsibilities:

  • Create organizational capability to support UnlikelyCollaborators’ research and impact strategy
  • Build and manage a team focused on driving the organization’simpact initiatives
  • Seek out and evaluate new opportunities (grant, partnership,research, or other) to help the organization further itsmission
  • Lead the organization in measuring outcomes of programs,partnerships and investments
  • Plan, direct, implement and evaluate operations and ensure thatall grant-making activities are carried out in accordance withapplicable laws and regulations governing private foundations
  • Manage grants portfolio to ensure that recipients are usingfunds appropriately, efficiently, and having a measurableimpact
  • Provide leadership to evolve the programmatic vision,communications, and Unlikely Collaborators’ role as a leader insupporting self-discovery and self-awareness
  • Catalyze community connections, engagement and partnerships toensure that efforts are informed by the voices and ideas of keystakeholders


Selection Criteria/Minimum Requirements:

  • 10+ years of experience leading a team in a non-profit, orgrantmaking organization
  • Proven experience managing grants or gifts (includingcompliance, structure and impact)
  • Ability to build and lead a team
  • A high level of emotional intelligence and naturalcuriosity
  • Passion and experience with research into self-discovery,perception, consciousness, or another related field



Additional Preferences/Characteristics:

  • Operational excellence and the ability to manage multiplecomplex projects with various stakeholders and within establishedtimelines
  • Significant experience with program development, budgeting,outcome measurement and contract/grant management
  • Embracing of Unlikely Collaborators’ core values of Acceptance,Curiosity, Openness, Empathy and Collaboration
  • Creative and entrepreneurial spirit
  • Authentic and trustworthy with a sense of humor
  • Hands-on willingness to dive in and get things done; leads byexample
  • Capable of translating big ideas into actional plans andnavigating ambiguity
  • Passionate about making an impact on the world andhumanity
  • Driven by data and evidence; constantly looking to apply bestpractices
  • Values diversity of thought, backgrounds and perspectives

The Chronicle of Philanthropy. Category: , Keywords: President

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