Change Manager

The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) InformationTechnology Services organization is seeking an exceptionalinformation technology leader and expert to become DeputyChief Information Officer of the Information TechnologyServices organization. We are seeking a dynamic, engaging andcollaborative leader with a strong commitment to service excellenceto join our CIO Leadership team, collaborating with a team ofdiverse and talented professionals in support of our mission todeliver exceptional service to the UCLA campus enterprise.

The Deputy Chief Information Officer (CIO) serves assecond-in-command and has operational accountability for enterpriseproducts and services offered by ITS. This highly-collaborativechange leader will oversee the design, development, release andongoing maintenance of technology products and services foradministrative, academic and student enterprise technologies. As atechnical leader, the Deputy CIO will oversee our core services:academic technologies, enterprise applications, enterpriseinfrastructure, enterprise data, and customer success, and partnerswith key IT stakeholders for central and distributed organizations.The Deputy CIO enables IT and Digital Transformation programs byensuring the organization has the skills, resources and practicesthat are needed from our campus community. As a compassionate,emotionally intelligent leader, the Deputy CIO champions ‘wholeperson’ talent management as well as diversity, equity andinclusion programs and practices while nurturing our people withrobust professional development, and career progressionopportunities. Aligns business strategies with each technicaldomain and inspires leaders to achieve goals while enablingcontinuous improvement efforts.

Responsibilities include: Partners with the CIO in providingtechnology, vision and direction for the enterprise; oversees thedevelopment and implementation of enterprise technology standards,processes and performance metrics to demonstrate the value of IT tothe enterprise; collaborates with campus and technology leadershipto support enterprise decision making; partners to drivedevelopment of the technology architecture, infrastructureplanning, systems engineering and deployment; guides unit leadersin the planning and management of IT products and services whileensuring effective and efficient technical operations and customersuccess; establishes and manages continuous improvement programs;identifies and implements best practices for optimizinginfrastructure and operations costs, improving system performance,and ensuring service-level requirements are met; plans, implements,directs and monitors the integration of new technologies into theinfrastructure; prioritizes work to align with institutional needs;supports the management of enterprise risk; fosters effectiverelationships across units, users and customers. Directs life-cyclemanagement to ensure organization achieves full value of product orservice; manages strategic partnerships with vendors and serviceproviders; negotiates favorable terms for enterprise IT purchasing;ensures IT operations implement and maintain information securitystandards and practices; may act on behalf of the CIO in theirabsence or as needed.  

The Chronicle of Higher Education. Category: , Keywords: Chief Information Officer (CIO)

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