GIS Specialist

GIS Specialist City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety The Technology Services Bureau of the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) intends to solicit for a contract Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analyst for up one year to assist City staff in creating an online service for updating addresses and providing address approvals for online plan check and permit applications. This entails the analysis, design, testing, and implementation of mapping features associated to the online applications and permits. These mapping features will enable LADBS to geocode all building applications and permits created through LADBSrsquo Plan Check and Inspection System (PCIS), LADBSrsquo electronic plan review system (ePlanLA), and LADBSrsquo epermit system (PermitLA). Geocoding applications and permits will enable LADBS to more easily track building permit activities and progressions through organization of maps and areas such as Council Districts and Census Tracts. LADBS issues approximately 65,000 building permits annually. The legacy Plan Check and Inspection System was developed in the early 1990rsquos with no GIS or mapping capabilities. The maintenance and effort to organize and transform non-geocoded data to geocoded data takes significant effort and time. The Technology Services Bureau has only one full time Geographic Information Specialist to perform these duties. The Department cannot keep up with maintaining current operations with one staff member. Technical skills in the area of geospatial data and knowledge of GIS software is required. The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analyst, under general direction, will perform the following Provide GIS mapping and infrastructure expertise, tools and techniques, ensuring alignment of GIS-specific capabilities by implementing editing tools and mapping workflow for various permitting applications. Be primarily responsible for creating buildings and editing buildings subject to the various retrofit programs of LADBS. Utilize GIS tools to automate workflow of the Plan Check and Inspection System (PCIS) and various LADBS programs that rely on geospatial data. SOLICITATION FOR CONTRACT SUPPORT SOW No. 2021IT008 Page 2 of 3 WRMBDATAASDContractsProf SvsSystems Programmer ContractsSOWsCY 2021SOW 2021IT008SolicitationSOW 2021IT008 Solicitation Letter 040621.docx Troubleshoot, debug, configure, and reconfigure GIS map services used by PCIS and the Building Information Online (BIO) viewer. Develop GIS tools using Python scripting to automate the workflow for editing the building footprint map layers. Create spatial and tabular queries from the various GIS data layers and LADBSrsquo permitting system. Use Python, ArcGIS and PLSQL developer software to createupdateenhance data quality scripts. Responsible for the deployment and day-to-day monitoring and enhancing of the building footprint feature class and the related GIS services. Provide support to collect and interpret usage metrics of the geospatial data, and analyzedeliver data for geospatial platforms and web services. May work with third party consultants and business partners to ensure that GIS data is linked with business data setup and configure GIS and web server environments and see that multilayer maps and pertinent data are delivered accurately. The qualified candidate will have 4+ years of experience or strong knowledge, as indicated below, in the following areas GIS analysis work experience using GIS applications and other map-based applications. Possess a solid understanding of GIS concepts, terminology, symbology, technologies and platforms. Best practices in the design, installation, configuration and maintenance of enterprise GIS databases. Strong familiarity with GIS software such as ESRI ArcGIS 10.x, ArcView, ArcEdit, ArcInfo Creating, editing, converting, and managing GIS data and experience with geodatabase design and creation. Possess a solid understanding and familiarity with Python scripting, running SQL queries and managing Oracle databases. Capable of managing location and geospatial data evaluating data repository and data load troubleshooting maintain and develop metadata. Knowledge of symbols and terminology used in civil, architectural or electronic engineering drawings is strongly desired. Experience with web server setup and configuration. Additionally, the candidate shall have excellent verbal communication skills with ability to discuss projects with clients, subcontractors, and internal team members excellent writing skills.

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