Forever 21: Merchandise Planner (Accessories)

Position:MerchandisePlanner 245 Department:Planning & Allocation Reports to:Manager of Planning Direct Reports:No FLSAStatus:Exempt Location:3880 NMissionLos Angeles, CA90031 With new owners and strong leadership, Forever 21 is evolving into what can only be described as a well known retail turnaround!

Now owned by SPARC Simon Property Group and Authentic Brands Group and led by CEO Daniel Kulle, 2020 was a year of reconstructing the foundation of this popular fashion brand to deliver amazing products that our customers expect to be trendy, relevant and value to them.

We’re implementing new strategic priorities across the company, determined to make Forever 21 a place where top technologists, creatives, and merchandizers will come to make their mark on the future of fast fashion retail with an enhanced commitment to sustainability and community engagement.

We welcome anyone to apply who has big ideas and is willing to roll up their sleeves to make those ideas a reality.

There are no ” Ivory tower” roles at Forever 21.

From the C-Suite to the Brand Associates, we’re making our transformation happen together.

If youre obsessed to serve our customer, if you elevate any team you work on, and if you are passionate about fashion, we want to hear from you!

Job Purpose: TheMerchandisePlannerwilldevelopstrategicmerchandiseplansforanassignedgroupofproductcategoriestomaximize sales andtomeet financialobjectivesthroughthe analysisof salestrends and forecasts.

ThePlanner willleadopen-to-buymeetingswithDivisionalMerchandiseManagers and Senior Buyers, providingstrategic and analytical supportto ensure the achievementof sales, grossmargin, andkey financial goals.

Deliverables: Manage thedevelopment ofannual, seasonal, monthly,and weeklymerchandiseplansfor assignedproduct categories Maintain area OTB to maintain appropriate stock levels, capitalize on emerging sales trends, and guide receipt flow to ensure volume driving product is received in a timely manner.

Partnerwith merchantstodevelopandproposebusinesstactics in responseto currentbusinesstrends,advisingthem on open-to-buy,optimumunitpurchasing,etc.

Develop multiple class levelpricing recommendationsand strategies inalignmentwith company financialobjectives Re-forecast sales, margin, and turn OTB on a weekly basis and conduct bi-weekly meetings with buyers to discuss current business and plans of action as a team.

Developprojectionsand inventory flow for key itemsand collections, supporting buying team with weekly and monthly reports and event/promotion recaps Analyzeandassessthesalesperformanceofassignedproduct categories; Revise in-seasonplansaccordingly to maximizesalesandprofitability Partnerwiththe Allocationteamtodevelopand implementseasonalstrategiesaccordingto region, climate,andother associatedvariables Routinelypresent recommendationsandotheranalysisto senior leadershipand executivemanagement relatedtodrivingshort and long-termbusiness goals includinghind-sights, color/pattern selling,etc.

Providesupport, guidance,and sign-offtoany merchandiseplansdevelopedbythe AssociatePlanner Knowledge,Skills,and Qualifications: Musthave a BABSdegree; Finance,Operations, Retail Management, Business Management or ananalyticalfocus isstronglypreferred Musthave 5-7years ofexperiencein retailmerchandiseplanning; 2-3yearofexperiencein aleadorsupervisoryroleispreferred Proficiency in MicrosoftExcel required, includingv-lookups,pivot tables,andbasic macros; Mustbeable tomanipulatelargequantitiesofdata in MicrosoftExceltodrivebusinessdecisions Musthaveexcellent time-management andorganization skills Mustbe a self-starter, able to multi-task, and prioritize work in a fast-paced environment Mustbeableto effectively communicate,writtenandorally, withall levelsofemployees Knowledgeof retailmath, including returnon investments, grossmargin, initial markup, etc.

isessentialWhat we Expect Customer Obsession; you know whoyourcustomer is and working in service to them is working in service to our end consumer.

Commitment to Top Talent; you are passionate about working with the best possible people.

You know how to attract them, develop them, and teach others to do the same.

Retail is Detail; the details tell the real story!

You are obsessed with quality product, quality experience, quality regardless of the segment of the company that your role occupies.

Even if you find some details challenging, you know who to ask for backup because what is most important is that your customer has the most excellent experience possible.

Entrepreneurial Spirit; your work is not just your job, its your passion.

You haveand act onideas about how to make your role, your department, and the company a better place.

You know why you want to be part of building Forever 21s future, are a highly collaborative and resourceful individual who can function at a high level, and are committed to collaborating every day.

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