Collections Analyst

24 weeks / 10920 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1600, Los Angeles, CA 90024
Work balance accounts on Account Work queues
” Sort accounts high dollar to low dollar
” Review account to determine appropriate follow-up activities and complete all necessary action items to drive account toward resolution.

If necessary, reach out to other departments for assistance.
” Apply appropriate activity code and tickle time frame for future follow-up
” Ensure documentation of all actions completed and outline next steps in note
Denials Follow-Up Work queues
” Work denials that populate work queues and review payer Remittance Advices and Explanation of Benefits (EOB)
” Update Epic notes accordingly and use appropriate tickle times and activity codes
” If necessary, reach out to other departments for assistance
Work accounts on assigned Account Work queues
” Sort accounts high dollar to low dollar
” Review account to determine appropriate follow-up activities and complete all necessary action items to drive account toward resolution.

If necessary, reach out to other departments for assistance.
” Apply appropriate activity code and tickle time frame for future follow-up
” Ensure documentation of all actions completed and outline next steps in note
Complete special projects
” Complete special projects as needed, as instructed by supervisor
” Apply note to document any actions taken and next steps for the account (if applicable)
Miscellaneous tasks and meeting
” Complete miscellaneous tasks
” Provide coverage as needed (correspondence, phone calls, emails, special projects, attend team meetings, etc.)

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