Alura Workforce Solutions: Mental Forensic Program Coordinator

Summary The Program Coordinator is member of the management team and provides direct oversight to the clinical team of Forensic Clinicians and Case Managers.

Responsible for ensuring quality forensic treatment and supervision is provided and documented in a manner that meets all quality standards.

Duties Responsible for coordination of daily clinical operations.

Provides clinical supervision to unlicensed Forensic Clinicians and collaboration to licensed Forensic Clinicians.

Oversees clinical decision making, with a focus on assessing and mitigating risk of dangerousness.

Maintains an understanding of the clients treatment and supervision needs and guides the treatment team incorporating these factors.

Supervises Case Managers and ensures timely and effective linkage to services in the community.

Maintains detailed knowledge of program paperwork, documentation, record keeping, and billing procedures, ensuring quality assurance standards are met.

Writes, reviews, and edits reports and letters as required in a timely manner.

Oversees, reviews and makes determinations on client referrals in a timely manner and presents cases to the treatment team.

Monitors and evaluates programs, policies, and procedures to ensure compliance with contract agency standards.

Develops and implements policy as necessary to maintain continued compliance.

Oversees, reviews and makes determinations on client referrals in a timely manner and presents cases to the treatment team.

Monitors and evaluates programs, policies, and procedures to ensure compliance with contract agency standards.

Develops and implements policy as necessary to maintain continued compliance.

Provides verbal and written testimony in court and similar settings.

Acts as a liaison to stakeholders, including DSH, other CONREP programs, CCL, court personnel, and local law enforcement.

Maintains knowledge of current trends in the field of forensic psychology.

Assists Program Director in program development and administrative functions, as needed.

Serves as Acting Director in the absence of the Program Director, if so assigned.

Prepares and presents in-service training programs, as needed.

Oversees interventions as emergent and emergency clinical matters arise.

Provides on-call coverage for emergency consultation and intervention outside of regular work hours.

Maintains objective and professional relationships with clients at all times.

Provides a good role model for clients in terms of reliability, social skills, professionalism, tact, leadership, grooming and integrity.

Arrives at sound conclusions after getting and analyzing all pertinent facts.

Works collaboratively with all staff to provide quality client care.

Maintains job interest and technical skills.

Responds appropriately under difficult or stressful circumstances.

Requirements Experience in a mental health, correctional, or similar forensic agency, providing individual and group therapy.

Treatment and diagnostic skills utilizing the DMS IV/V.

Experience with severe and persistent mental illness, substance abuse, and assessing dangerous/violent behaviors.

Academic training in Behavioral Sciences.

Experience with the mentally ill and/or forensic populations.

Desired: Experience in administrative and supervisory oversight of a mental health program or correctional facility.

Must pass Department of Justice (DOJ), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), and Community Care Licensing (CCL) background clearance.

Valid California Drivers license.

Driving record acceptable for coverage by Gateways insurance carrier.

TB clearance.

Fire and Safety Training*.

First Aid Training Certification*.

CPR Certification*.

Management Of Aggressive Behavior*(M.O.A.B.).

* Note: If indicated certifications/licenses are lacking, they must be obtained within 180 days of hire.

Education Minimum Education Required: Doctorate in Psychology.

Licensed Psychologist with the California Board of Psychology.

Desired Education: Forensic Emphasis from an accredited institution.

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