Admissions Specialist

ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Facilitate intake, admission and utilization review process for incoming patients.

Perform insurance benefit verifications, disseminating the information gathered to patient, their families and appropriate internal staff.

Provide accurate and ongoing assessment of patient’s status in the admission and utilization process.

Respond to inquiries about the facility within facility policy timeframes.

Schedule/complete pre-admission assessments and communicate recommendations to patient or their family.

Collaborate with other facility medical and psychiatric personnel to ensure appropriate recommendations and admissions.

Provide accurate and ongoing assessment of patient’s status in the admissions, intake and utilization process.

Provide education to patient and their family throughout stay.

Perform ongoing assessments of physical/function, emotional, social, spiritual and financial needs patients and implements crisis intervention and referral.

Provide education regarding healthcare and social resource systems to empower patient and their family to access resources independently.

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