Vice President for University Relations and Development

California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) invitesnominations and applications for the position of vice president foruniversity relations and development. 

The vice president for university relations and development(VPURD) reports directly to the president and provides vision,leadership and oversight of a large and comprehensive institutionaladvancement program to include, fund raising, alumni relations,public affairs, publications, estate and gift planning, governmentrelations, marketing and communications, and advancement services.The VPURD serves as the chief development officer for the campusand advises the president and other senior-level leaders on alluniversity relations and development matters that supports theacademic mission of the university by creating awareness, buildingenduring relationships and generating philanthropic support. TheVPURD is a key member of the president’s senior leadership team andas such participates in strategic planning and workscollaboratively with leadership across the institution – inacademic affairs, student affairs, finance and administration,among others – to ensure alignment with and creative approaches tosupport key academic and university priorities, initiatives andopportunities. The VPURD also serves as CEO of the 49er Foundationand works in close coordination the Foundation Board of Directorsto advocate for the people and programs at the university, manageprivate support and steward donors.

CSULB is a student-centered, research-driven, diverse andglobally engaged public university committed to providingexceptional undergraduate and graduate educational opportunitiesthrough superior teaching, research, creative activity and servicefor the people of California and the world. CSULB transforms livesby expanding educational opportunities, championing creativity andpreparing leaders for a changing world. CSULB enrolls over 36,000undergraduate and graduate students who matriculate through 81baccalaureate degrees, 67 master’s degrees, 16 education-relatedcredential programs and three doctoral degrees (two joint and oneindependent) within the Colleges of Arts, Business, Education,Engineering, Health and Human Services, Liberal Arts, NaturalSciences and Mathematics and Professional and InternationalEducation. 

CSULB seeks a collaborative, entrepreneurial and goal-orientedadvancement leader who has demonstrated success in leading a largeand productive team of university relations and developmentprofessionals and a strong track record of fundraising andorganizational success in the context of a campus-wide campaign,including significant experience raising funds for academicprogramming and intercollegiate athletics. The successful candidatewill have experience partnering with executive and academicleadership to create sophisticated gift strategies and closeprincipal gifts. CSULB designation as a Hispanic ServingInstitution (HSI) and an Asian American and Native American PacificIslander Serving Institute (AANAPISI), is committed to instillingpassion in its students that will lead them to greater communityengagement, fulfilling careers, and meaningful lives. The incomingVPURD should be committed to the mission and be a strongcommunicator with superb management skills and possess acollaborative and open leadership style and values consistent withthe California State University System, its mission and its focuson student success. A graduate degree is preferred with a minimumof 10 years of directly related experience in progressivelyresponsible senior-level university relations and developmentpositions.

All applications, nominations and inquiries are invited.Applications should include, as separate documents, a CV or resumeand a letter of interest addressing the themes in the leadershipprofile found at Application materialsshould be submitted by June 10, 2022 usingWittKieffer’s candidate portal. Nominations and inquiries can bedirected to Mercedes Chacón Vance and Jevon Walton at

California State University Long Beach values diversity and iscommitted to equal opportunity for all persons regardless of age,color, disability, ethnicity, marital status, national origin,race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status or anyother status protected by law.

The Chronicle of Higher Education. Category: , Keywords: VP of Fundraising

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