Office Manager

Primary Responsibilities:Office ManagementMaintain and enforce office policiesMaintain presence of front doorPhonesGreet visitors, customers and distributorsFiling systemMaintain office suppliesTime clocksWork with QA and HR to maintain compliance documents Chipico (John and Mike Carlino)Vendor maintenanceRecord keeping and sales order confirmationsPrepare operational reports including daily inventory inputCustomer complaintsCreate purchase ordersBill of ladings and truck coordinationCold storage maintenance Customer Service and Sales SupportCustomer Service back-up ChicagoDeacomEDI Order Management (CA only)Local Distributor assistance (add-ons, confirmations, etc.)Non-EDI order entryLineage (Popeyes)Freight managementSamplesFedExDamage claimsNew account set-upFiling for Chipico POSOrder POS materialsSales reports PI177689431

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Area Profit Protection Manager (Loss Prevention)Area Profit Protection Manager (Loss Prevention)

*Responsibilities* * Conduct periodic audits and takes appropriate actions as required.  * Identify fraud and loss by analyzing reporting i.e. EAS systems, CCTV systems, point of sale             reporting, cash controls, safety, theft, and operational errors.  * Coordinate and lead Loss Prevention Training for management teams.  * Recommend changes to the organization; support agreed upon solutions and execute             organizational strategies  *