High Paid Merchant Lending Agent, (Office Manager Position ) (Los Angeles)

Become your own loan officer, merchant lender by providing alternative business lending and business solutions to business owners nationwide using our revolutionary software we created to automate this booming industry.

This is the only tool in the industry that gives you the opportunity to originate these deals remotely and automate the entire process from Leads through Funding.

This job is a life changing opportunity with zero degree required. All it takes is a driven attitude, willingness to work hard and be persistent.
There is real potential for anyone at any level to make up to 20k a month from the comfort of your own home.

All you need: High energy, self-motivation and a sales oriented mind set. Only sincere, persistent, committed and hungry individuals respond to this ad.

Training session will be held:

2351 West 3rd St,
Los Angeles, CA. 90057

Mention West Coast Capital to the receptionist.
We are in the Penthouse.
Business attire is required.

Call (323) 458-0034 to reserve your spot.

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