Fundraising Director

You can bring your fundraising expertise to UCLA to engineerchange. As our Director of Development for the UCLA Samueli Schoolof Engineering, you will join a highly engaged team that knows thepower engineering has to change lives and the impact that engineershave on the world around them. Your work will help enable as muchpositive change as possible in raising funds for the impactengineers can have on society. As a member of UCLA’s Sameuli Schoolof Engineering, you will become part of a dynamic, committed anddriven team that offers long-term opportunities for personal andprofessional development as part of our robust External Affairsenterprise serving UCLA.

In partnership with the Senior Director of Development, you willdevelop and drive innovative fundraising strategies to success. Youwill collaborate with change-making faculty, engaged alumni andgenerous donors in celebrating UCLA Samueli’s extraordinaryachievements in the field of engineering and paving the way forfuture endeavors. You will set the vision and the strategy toenhance and deepen mutually beneficial relationships between UCLASamueli and its constituents to increase giving and secure majorgifts from individuals, alumni and other entities in support of theschool’s mission and strategic plan. You will utilize your strongcommunication skills and abilities to oversee the creation andactivation of campaigns that generate presence, visibility andsupport for the School and engage stakeholders in UCLA Samueli’ssuccess.

As one of the most respected institutions across the nation,UCLA is educating the next generation of leaders. UCLA is dedicatedto bringing greater equity to our workplace and offers acompetitive total rewards package. Join the team that is creatinglasting relationships to increase support and visibility for UCLAEngineering.

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/AffirmativeAction Employer advancing inclusive excellence. All qualifiedapplicants will receive consideration for employment without regardto race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity,national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, orother protected categories covered by the UC nondiscriminationpolicy.

For a more detailed description of this position, please visitUCLA’s Development Careers website at: http://www.developmentcareers.ucla.eduto view requisition #35699.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy. Category: , Keywords: Fundraising Director

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