Naval Officer


In any large community like the Navy, Law Enforcement & Security are essential. Whether executing crime prevention programs or carrying out anti-terrorism measures, the Sailors working in the law enforcement and security field of America’s Navy are trained to deal with any situation.

Security professionals in America’s Navy – also known as Masters at Arms (MAs) provide safety and security aboard Navy installations and ships. They’re equipped with the latest law enforcement tools and techniques for maximum effectiveness.

What to Expect


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Full time Part time


The Law Enforcement and Security community provides a wide range of critical services to every part of the Navy. As a Master at Arms you may:

  • Provide security and physical protection for servicemembers
  • Train fellow Sailors in security and shore patrol duties
  • Serve as a security advisor for your squadron
  • Assist in crowd control and riot prevention
  • Operate military prisons (brigs) aboard ships and on shore
  • Handle and care for dogs that detect narcotics and explosives
  • Conduct waterborne security patrol and interdiction operations
  • Provide protective service to high ranking dignitaries and government officials
  • Conduct preliminary investigations into Uniform Code of Military Justice violations
  • Conduct crime prevention programs

The Law Enforcement and Security community provides a wide range of critical services to every part of the Navy. As a Master at Arms you may:

  • Provide security and physical protection for servicemembers
  • Train fellow Sailors in security and shore patrol duties
  • Serve as a security advisor for your squadron
  • Assist in crowd control and riot prevention
  • Operate military prisons (brigs) aboard ships and on shore
  • Handle and care for dogs that detect narcotics and explosives
  • Conduct waterborne security patrol and interdiction operations
  • Provide protective service to high ranking dignitaries and government officials
  • Conduct preliminary investigations into Uniform Code of Military Justice violations
  • Conduct crime prevention programs

Work Environment

As an Enlisted Sailor working in law enforcement, you will have the chance to work in a number of environments. You can expect to work at shore stations in the United States and overseas; aboard ships; or as part of a maritime security squadron. In short, your assignments could take you anywhere in the world.

Serving part-time as a Navy Reserve Sailor, your duties will be carried out during your scheduled drilling and training periods. During monthly drilling, Masters at Arms in the Navy Reserve typically work at a location close to their homes.

For annual training, Masters at Arms may serve anywhere in the world, on a ship or at bases and installations.

Take a moment to learn more about the general roles and responsibilities of Navy Reserve Sailors .

Training & Advancement

Upon completion of the initial 7-9 week Recruit Training (known as Boot Camp), those pursuing a Law Enforcement & Security role report to San Antonio, Texas, where they receive formal Navy technical training at “A” School for about 9 weeks. Here, they learn antiterrorism techniques, armed sentry/post standing techniques, crime prevention, military and civil law, communications, first aid, firearms deployment, and physical restraint techniques.

Promotion opportunities are regularly available but competitive and based on performance. It’s also important to note that specialized training received and work experience gained in the course of service can lead to valuablecredentialing and occupational opportunitiesin related fields.

Most of what you do in the Navy Reserve is considered training. The basic Navy Reserve commitment involves training a minimum of one weekend a month (referred to as drilling) and two weeks a year (referred to as Annual Training) – or the equivalent of that.

Masters at Arms in the Navy Reserve serve in an Enlisted role. Before receiving the ongoing professional training that comes with the job, initial training requirements must be met.

For current or former military Enlisted servicemembers: Prior experience satisfies the initial Recruit Training requirement – so you will not need to go through Boot Camp again.

For those without prior military experience: You will need to meet the initial Recruit Training requirement by attending Boot Camp for seven to nine weeks in Great Lakes, IL. This training course will prepare you for service in the Navy Reserve and count as your first Annual Training.

Education Opportunities

Beyond offering access to professional credentials and certifications, Navy technical and operational training in the field of Law Enforcement & Security can translate to credit hours toward a bachelor’s or associate degree through the American Council on Education . You may also continue your education through opportunities like the following:

  • Navy College Program and Tuition Assistance
  • Post-9/11 GI Bill

Beyond offering access to professional credentials and certifications, Navy technical and operational training in the field of Law Enforcement & Security can translate to credit hours toward a bachelor’s or associate degree through the American Council on Education . You may also continue your education through opportunities like the following:

  • Navy College Program and Tuition Assistance
  • Post-9/11 GI Bill

Qualifications & Requirements

A high-school diploma or equivalent is required to become an Enlisted Sailor in the Law Enforcement & Security field in the Navy. Those seeking a Master at Arms position should be people-oriented, dedicated, resourceful, and versatile. They should also possess physical strength, manual dexterity and competence with tools equipment. Citizenship requirements may vary.

General qualifications may vary depending upon whether you’re currently serving , whether you’ve served before or whether you’ve never served before .

A high-school diploma or equivalent is required to become an Enlisted Sailor in the LawEnforcement & Security field in the Navy. Those seeking a Master at Arms position must be U.S. citizens and should be people-oriented, dedicated, resourceful, and versatile. They should also possess physical strength, manual dexterity and competence with tools equipment.

General qualifications may vary depending upon whether you’re currently serving , whether you’ve served before or whether you’ve never served before .

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