Holland Enterprises: Top Pay Great Equipment Free Satellite Tv Top Producers Make 80k Plus (Van Nuys)

Holland Enterprises, Inc. is a long haul refrigerated carrier. We operate 350 trucks. Our average length of haul is 1550 miles. We value our drivers provide them with trucks that are equipped with APUs, Fridge/Freezer, Satellite TVs, SiriusXM Radio, Qualcomm satellites, Elogs. All trailers are equipped with StarTrak Satellites. All trucks and trailers are less than 3 years old. Trucks are Freightliner Cascadia Condos. Trailers are Great Danes, with Carrier units. Top producers make north of $82000 a year and in fact the top driver in 2020 made $89,000 plus.The majority of our business consists of refrigerated and frozen food customers. The high level of service we provide our customers is important to our continued success. The quality of our drivers is what allows us to provide that service. We face challenges in this business everyday, and it is the way in which our drivers and operations staff deal with those challenges, that will set us apart from our competition. We do it Everyday. Top runners make north of $80,000 a year with our top producer making $89,000 in 2020. We do reward our drivers with great pay.RequirementsMust have 18 months experienceGood Job RecordStability and Desire to Work Associated topics: art director, chief, co producer, director, executive, head writer, manager, principal editor, producer, vice president

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