Career Specialist JUMP Juvenile Mentoring Program

Career Specialist JUMP Juvenile Mentoring ProgramThe Kankakee County State’s Attorneys’ Office proposes to have 29 AmeriCorps members and volunteer mentors who will serve in the JUMP for Kankakee County one-to-one juvenile mentoring and job readiness program.

JUMP partners community leaders and professionals with court-involved teenage youth at risk of academic failure, truancy or involvement in delinquent activities in Kankakee County, Illinois, a diverse urban and rural community.

AmeriCorps members and volunteer mentors will be responsible for reducing truancy rates and increasing educational scores among the service population, while also placing mentees into full and part-time employment and internship opportunities during the statistically high-crime season of summer.

AmeriCorps members and volunteer mentors will be engaged in mentoring of the target service population, program oversight, attending mentee’s court dates and providing regular updates/reports to the juvenile’s judge and/or courtroom advocates.Member Duties : Career Specialist (4 month commitment to perform 300 hours)
•Research and coordinate Career opportunities (summer employment) in the community for Mentees
•Compile and manage date and reports in connection with Mentee employment
•Keep track of and provide information on community partnerships, programs, and resources to program support, volunteers, and participants.

•Work with Mentors to provide and direct them to specific resources and needed.

•Work directly with and attend meetings as scheduled with JUMP Program Coordinator, Court Liaison, AmeriCorps Program Personnel, and other Program Partners, as necessary
•Weekly supervision with JUMP Program Coordinator and Court Liaison
•Assist with JUMP and AmeriCorps Program development
•Participate in monthly AmeriCorps Program Director calls, as needed
•Market and promote AmeriCorps and the JUMP Program
•Other duties as assignedProgram Benefits : Living Allowance , Education award upon successful completion of service .Terms : Permits working at another job during off hours , Uniforms provided and required , Permits attendance at school during off hours , Car recommended .Service Areas : Children/Youth , Community Outreach .Skills : Communications , Business/Entrepreneur , Leadership , Counseling , Public Speaking , Writing/Editing , Veterans , Conflict Resolution , Team Work , General Skills , Youth Development , Social Services , Computers/Technology , Recruitment .

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