Atlassian Admin

Atlassian Admin: An Atlassian administrator is responsible for creating and organizing new projects on the JIRA platform, new spaces on the Confluence platform, as well as configuring various schemes, organizing and formatting content to meet the needs of the business.

It is the administrator’s job to ensure each person on a project team has access to all materials needed.

If there is training or an upgrade needed for a project, the administrator’s responsibilities include providing the right resources to users.

A JIRA administrator also manages upgrades and improvements to the software.

This position is responsible for supporting the vision and use of Atlassian/ Jira tools and driving increased user adoption through the introduction of continuous improvements within the toolset.

Candidates should have experience in administering complex Jira and Confluence environments and building high-quality systems in support of business operations.

Desirable Skills: Programming experience with Python, Java, JavaScript, or Groovy Familiarity with Linux environments Technical writing/documentation Content creation/organization UI/Web Design

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Grower responsibilities may include, but not be limited to: Ability to manage staff when working in your area Open and closing their area Temperature control Setting appropriate temperatures Diff Double