Ad Placement Coordinator

Position: Ad Placement CoordinatorLocation: 915 E 1st St, Los Angeles, 90012Status: Full‐Time 40 Hours/WeekBenefits Include: Medical, Dental, Life Insurance Coverage, Paid Holidays and VacationPrerequisite: Standard Pre‐Employment Drug Test; I‐9 Employment Eligibility VerificationThe Ad Placement Coordinator represents the company as the day‐to‐day contact for primarilyCalifornia and Arizona government agency clients to receive and execute ad placementinstructions for various types of legal, employment and public awareness advertising.Advertising is placed primarily in newspapers, on the internet and sometimes in other mediaincluding radio and out‐of‐home media vehicles. Most government advertising is placedthrough the company’s proprietary software, AdTech, which is used by customers, internallyand by the receiving newspapers.Ad Placement Coordinators work in collaboration with the Account Managers (Outside SalesRepresentatives), Division Sales Director, in‐house Graphic Artist and other administrativesupport staff to assure the customer’s service expectations are well communicated and met.Government advertising includes public notices such as bid notices, ordinances and publichearing announcements, which must publish in compliance with legal requirements.Recruitment advertising includes job postings in trade publications and websites. Publicawareness advertising includes larger display advertising that informs the public of servicesprovided by government agencies.The placement of government advertising requires 1) attention to detail including data entry,calculation of price quotes and draft quote letters, 2) timeliness in processing the ad placementrequests, 3) the ability to follow and provide written instructions in English and4) cordially communicate with government officials, newspaper representatives and internalsupport staff to assure clear communication, timely and accurate placement of advertising.Traditional office machine and software skills are necessary including use of desktop computersand MS Office software.About Us: The Daily Journal Corporation (“Daily Journal”) is a publicly traded corporation (traded onDJCO on NASDAQ) that operates as a traditional publisher of newspapers including the Los Angeles andSan Francisco Daily Journals, which are trade publications to the legal community. Through itsClearinghouse Service (California Newspaper Service Bureau), the company provides media buyerservices for legal advertisers including new businesses operators, attorneys, private companies andgovernment agencies. Advertising is placed in the Daily Journal’s own newspapers and in hundreds ofnewspapers it does not own.The company has been in the publishing business for over 100 years, in the media buying business forover 80 years and has recently ventured into development of court case management software andprovides services to about 500 courts through its Journal Technologies business.The Daily Journal Corporation is an Equal Opportunity Employer.To Apply, send resume to:

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