Academic Dean

California State University Los Angeles
Dean of the College of Natural and Social Sciences

California State University Los Angeles (Cal State LA) seeks a Deanof the College of Natural and Social Sciences (NSS) to provide theoverall vision, strategic direction, long-term planning, andoperational oversight for the college, and to pursue newopportunities to best serve students and the societal and businessneeds of the region. The new dean is expected to take office inJuly of 2022.

California State University Los Angeles (Cal State LA) is acomprehensive public institution dedicated to engagement, service,and the public good. It is one of the 23 campuses in the CaliforniaState University system. The University is ranked number one in theUnited States for the upward mobility of its students, and is afederally designated Hispanic-Serving Institution, Minority-ServingInstitution, and Asian American and Native American PacificIslander-Serving Institution.

The University enrolls over 25,000 students; offers 142 bachelor’sdegrees, 122 master’s degrees, and four doctoral degrees; and isnationally recognized for its achievements. For the eighthconsecutive year, Cal State LA has continued to soar as one of thenation’s top regional universities in the U.S. News & WorldReport Best Colleges rankings among all private and public regionaluniversities in the western United States. Additional informationabout the institution can be found at

The College of Natural and Social Sciences is the largest collegeat Cal State LA, with over 150 outstanding and dedicatedfaculty–who have won more Statewide Outstanding Professor Awardsthan faculty in any other academic unit in the California StateUniversity system. The college is committed to programs of academicexcellence in the fields of natural and social sciences thatprovide access and opportunity for a uniquely diverse student body;to creating educational experiences for students that utilize andgenerate knowledge that is culturally responsive and inclusive; andto facilitating the development of the next generation of leadersin academic centers, industry, local, regional, and nationalgovernment.

The College of NSS reflects a diversity of disciplines in its 12departments and interdisciplinary programs that serve nearly 6,000undergraduate majors and over 500 graduate students. The 12departments are Anthropology, Biological Sciences, Chemistry andBiochemistry, Geosciences and Environment, History, Latin AmericanStudies, Mathematics, Natural Science Program, Physics, andAstronomy, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology. TheCollege is home to the nationally recognized Minority Opportunitiesin Research (MORE) Programs. Learn more about the College atCollege of Natural andSocial Sciences | Cal State LA.

Required qualifications include an earned terminal degree from anaccredited university in the natural sciences, social sciences, ora related field; an excellent record of teaching, scholarship, andservice at the university-level with accomplishments to warrantappointment at the rank of tenured full professor within anexisting department of the college; and demonstrated ability tocreate an inclusive and effective working environment amongethnically, racially, and culturally diverse faculty, staff andstudents. See other required, and preferred, qualifications in thefull profile at

Academic Search is assisting Cal State LA in this search.Nominators and prospective candidates may arrange a confidentialconversation about this opportunity with one of the two SeniorConsultants:

Cynthia M. Patterson at
Maria Thompson at

Nominations and inquiries, as well as applications, may be sent

To apply, a candidate should submit a letter of intent addressinghow the candidate’s experiences match the position requirements; acurrent CV/resume; and contact information for at least fiveprofessional references, including email addresses and a brief noteon the candidate’s working relationship with each. (References willnot be contacted without the prior knowledge and approval of thecandidate and at a later stage in the search.) See the profile formore information before applying.

For full consideration by the search committee, applicant materialsshould be submitted by April 21, 2022.

Cal State LA is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employerwith a strong institutional commitment to achieving and supportingdiversity among its faculty, students, and staff. Applications fromwomen, minorities, and individuals with a strong record ofmentoring students from underserved or underrepresented groups areencouraged to apply.

jeid-f7f3d55acdbae043ad96e62ad006463fThe Chronicle of Higher Education. Category: , Keywords: Dean

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